===================================== How js tour works in Odoo unittests ===================================== The order is as following: * OPEN *url_path* from **python** :doc:`phantom_js ` method * WAIT *ready* condition (Truthy or Falsy) from **python** :doc:`phantom_js ` method * OPEN *url* from :doc:`tour <../../js-tour>`'s options in **js** file * WAIT *wait_for* (deferred object) from :doc:`tour <../../js-tour>`'s options in **js** file * DO first step from **js** :doc:`tour <../../js-tour>` * WAIT when *trigger* becomes visible * WAIT when *extra_trigger* becomes visible (if *extra_trigger* is presented) * EXECUTE action (*run* or click on *trigger*) * DO NEXT step * ... * STOP Running when: * error happens: * thrown via ``raise`` * reported via ``console.error(...)`` * reported by tour system on **timeout** for initial *ready* condition. `Timeout value is 60 sec `__ and `it cannot be changed `__. * reported by tour system on step **timeout**. * `Odoo 12 and below `__: reported via ``console.log('error', ...)`` * ``'test successful'`` is reported via ``console.log`` (`in Odoo 12 and below `__ it was just ``'ok``) * directly by code * indirectly by tour system when all steps are done * **timeout** from **python** :doc:`phantom_js ` method is occured. Default is 60 sec